Pick Our Week 6 Air It Out Award Winner!

Tom Brady, Eli Manning, Cody Kessler, Drew Brees top quarterbacks in Week 6

It’s time for you to pick our Week 6 Air It Out Award!

We’re trying something new this week. Up to this point, we’ve had you vote for each week’s awards via Twitter. But we found this new tool for more visual and engaging polls and thought this would improve the voting experience. I know it takes one extra click for you, but I promise it’ll always be worth it. We’ll post the link to the polls each week on Tuesday and post the results each Thursday, so be sure to keep checking back.

So here we go! If you want some more context for each of these performances, check out the videos below. If you know which quarterback you got, vote away! And remember, no matter who you pick, be sure to share the poll on Facebook/Twitter!

Drew Brees

Eli Manning

Tom Brady

Cody Kessler

Naturally, these are the only other highlights that could be found for Kessler. Sorry, Browns fans.

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